Did you ever wonder why we’re never taught about the reality of economics and are instead encouraged to become consumers?
As young people, teachers force us to pick a career; parents tell us to get a mortgage. Advertising tells us to buy stuff, and all the while, the banks send us love letters, offering loan upon loan.
Before we know it, we’re just another number in the ‘rat race’; slaves to a debt-based system. Is this living? No, it’s a system of control, where our enslavement produces vast profits for others.
When I turned 30, I realized my life so far had followed the mainstream. School, debt, job, work hard, save for 30+ years, and retire in my 60s. Suddenly this plan did not sit well. I wanted to break free from the mold, but this realization highlighted that I knew virtually nothing about financial freedom. So off I went, on a journey of discovery, which quickly put my family and I on a new financial track, with me in the driving seat.
One Blue Land helps you create a lifestyle built around your most important asset of all: Time. Time to invest in the people and experiences you love. The point is there is no need to retire if you spend every day building a life around your passion. We all know the old saying: “Do something you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Nice dream, right? We aim to help people make this a reality.
We do this by publishing content designed to inspire, educate, and motivate people to take control of their financial futures. Money isn’t the route to happiness, but it does provide choice, and we invite you to choose financial freedom.